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Sexual Harassment

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Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Agoura Hills & Westlake Village

Protecting the Legal Rights of California Employees from Workplace Sexual Harassment

Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the California workplace has been committed in the past by many individuals leading to a social movement of import. With the advent of the #metoo movement, claims by applicants and employees of illegal behavior on the part of those in a position of authority have come to light.

Sexual harassment can occur in a wide variety of ways, many of them subtle. However, any type of harassment based on one’s sex and body is illegal. Under California law, including the expanded definition under SB 1300, this constitutes sexual harassment. In this matter, you have both federal and state statutes protecting you. If you believe you have been a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, we urge you to discuss your situation with a competent and trusted employment law attorney. Reporting sexual harassment is crucial, and there are legal protections against retaliation for doing so.

At Bradley/Grombacher LLP, we are committed to fighting for your rights in the workplace and have spent a combined 50 years of practice in this endeavor. Our legal team understands the stress and humiliation that can occur through this type of unlawful behavior and is passionate about helping you seek justice. We emphasize the importance of filing a sexual harassment case and the role of legal representation in navigating this process.

Are you a victim of workplace sexual harassment? The sexual harassment attorneys at Bradley/Grombacher LLP is here to help. Contact us online at (866) 881-0403 for a free case evaluation

Our sexual harassment lawyers in Agoura Hills and Westlake Village have helped hundreds of individuals fight for their dignity through appropriate claims and lawsuits seeking and obtaining damages against those who have caused emotional and financial harm through sexually harassing behaviors. Sexual harassment claims are prevalent, and there are legal avenues available to address them. Understanding the steps involved in filing a sexual harassment lawsuit and the types of damages that can be sought is essential for victims seeking justice.

Legal Claims of Sexual Harassment in California

Our sexual harassment lawyers in Agoura Hills and Westlake Village have helped hundreds of individuals fight for their dignity through appropriate claims and lawsuits seeking and obtaining damages against those who have caused emotional and financial harm through sexually harassing behaviors. It is crucial to consult with an experienced sexual harassment attorney when dealing with workplace harassment to understand the telltale signs of employer retaliation and build a strong case.

In general, two types of sexual harassment have been categorized under these laws:

  • Sexual harassment leading to a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment; occurs when the harassing behavior is severe or pervasive

  • “Quid pro quo” harassment in which the harasser offers certain advantages (or threatens disadvantages) for sexual favors or some other type of sexual exchange

Sexual harassment can consist of a wide variety of unwanted behaviors, including the following:

  • Sexual or graphic comments, slurs, jokes, messages, invitations, or gestures of a sexual nature

  • Unwanted physical contact, such as backrubs, brushing up against you, unwanted touching, pats, or slaps

  • Discussions about sexual acts and/or body parts

  • Discussions or allusions to your body parts or those of others

  • Posters, pictures, cartoons, memes, or other visual displays of sexually explicit materials through electronic means or otherwise

  • Threats of losing your job, position, hours, work duties, or other aspects of employment if you fail to give in to a sexual advance or if you make a formal complaint about the harassing behavior

  • Loss of any employment benefits if you fail to comply with a sexual invitation or advance

  • Blocking your physical movement, cornering you, or other sexually intimidating behaviors

Unwanted sexual advances are a form of workplace discrimination that can create a hostile or offensive work environment.

Even if you are not the target of sexual harassment, you may suffer from the threatening nature of a hostile work environment as directed towards others. Furthermore, sexual harassment does not consist only of behavior directed at women by men. Both men and women can commit sexual harassment against their sex as well as the opposite sex.

Your Sexual Harassment Claim

Sexual harassment is generally regarded as being both objective and subjective. Its objective element is based on the fact that the behavior would be considered hostile or offensive if experienced by any reasonable person. The subjective element consists of the emotional distress that is experienced as a result.

Filing a sexual harassment claim can be daunting due to the fear of retaliation, but understanding the legal process and time limitations is essential.

Sexual harassment can result in:

  • Poor work performance

  • Wanting to quit your job

  • Depression

  • Other forms of stress

Talk to an Experienced Sexual Harassment Attorney in Agoura Hills & Westlake Village

Sexual harassment should not be tolerated at work. If you have a valid claim of this nature, our firm will fight tooth and nail on your behalf in pursuit of the justice you deserve. We have extensive experience in handling sexual harassment cases and are dedicated to advocating for victims. You may be eligible for various types of damages which we can discuss once we understand the specifics of your case.

If you have been sexually harassed, it is crucial to know your legal rights and the steps to take, including reporting the harassment and establishing employer liability. We take all valid cases on a contingency fee basis which means you pay nothing upfront. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of protecting individuals who witness sexual harassment and offer legal support to ensure their rights are upheld.

Galvan v. Doe


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